1. The reputation of the roofing company that you use.

You are making a major, long-term investment in your property. You want an excellent result via an expertly carried out project. You want a company that is honest, trustworthy, and dependable and which is capable of carrying out an excellent job. You want an established, experienced roofing company. Ask around as word of mouth is always the best reference.

2. Stock available for selection.

If you are upgrading or changing the material currently used for your roof, then you want a variety of options and ideas from which to choose from. You need good, experienced advice to guide you and assist you in making your final decision.

3. Product.

You want a product which not only looks absolutely fantastic, you want a product which will last 25-50 years. This is a big expenditure on your property. You want a product that uses long-lasting and safe materials which comply with local regulations, for example, fire safety.

4. Materials.

Do you want an authentic heritage look? If so, then the materials need to be accessible and available. As nails tend not to last as long as slates, It is a good idea to use galvanized steel nails as they are long-lasting and rust-resistant.

5. Cost.

This is a large monetary outlay and you want value for money. You want the best that your money can acquire. You want it to be affordable and therefore accessible to you. Obtain quotes from different roofing companies and compare.

6. Guarantee.

You want the product which you purchase and the labor you outlay money on to be guaranteed to last for up to fifty years.

7. Durability.

You want your roof to be strong and durable and with the ability to put up with local conditions. You don’t want leaks and drips and you don’t want materials from your roof blowing away.

8. Aesthetics.

You are putting a lot of money into this project plus a lot of time in shopping around and doing your homework. You want the end result to look fantastic and you want to be personally happy with the outcome.

9. Show room Staff and Roof Contractors.

You want friendly, assisting staff in the showroom who know their products and the behavioral tendencies of the local weather. You want staff who are customer orientated, easy to relate to and communicate with, and who show a genuine interest in your roofing upgrade and are sincerely there to guide you. A roof is a major construction project and workers are going to be there, on top of your house for quite some time. You want roofing contractors who are experienced and who can work as quietly as possible.