It’s often a good idea to get a roofing inspection before working with roofing contractors for the duration of repairs. Roofing repairs can take a long time depending on the job, and it’s better to have the details established as early as possible. For one thing, some roofs will require repairs so extensive that it changes the nature of the job altogether.

Roofing contractors will know soon enough if they are dealing with a situation like that. Homeowners that don’t take advantage of a free inspection opportunity may end up having to pay to have a roofing contractor tell them that the job is not feasible, often after the homeowners may have planned on having the roof finished by a certain date. Situations like that can be avoided easily, and homeowners should use all of the opportunities that they have available to them.

Get it free

Homeowners won’t lose anything by getting a free roofing inspection. They will learn about the repairs that they will need, and they will get a sense of the size of the job in question. They are, however, taking a minor risk by not getting a roofing inspection. A great roofing contractor in Atlanta or elsewhere should care about customer service first and foremost. Charging for an inspection does not benefit the customer or even the business in the long-term. Businesses that do this will lose clients or fail to secure clients in the first place, which is one reason that most good roofing contractors offer free roofing inspections.


A number of roofing contractors offer their clients and potential clients free roofing inspections. Oftentimes, know how to get a free inspection from roofing contractors is just a matter of finding a roofing contractor that offers one. Many roofing contractors such as Dr. Roof, try to make the process as convenient as possible for potential clients. There are online forms available on the website, allowing potential clients the opportunity to request estimates online. They will only need to offer the contractors general information, as well as information concerning the specific nature of the estimate.

For instance, some people need to install or fix skylights, while other people will need a paint job. Giving roofing contractors that information in advance will make all the difference. Within a day, potential clients should get a response one way or another. The process will go much more smoothly for everyone involved, and clients can get their roofs in proper working order quickly and efficiently.