Most people never actually take the time to look up at their roof, and with good reason. After all, if you are running in and out of the house then it would be silly to actually stop and stare at your roof. However, it is important to replace your roof on a regular basis otherwise you might end up wet during a thunderstorm with a very large repair bill on your hands. If you are not sure whether or not your roof needs to be replaced here are a few things you might want to look for.

Inside your Home

While you may think that the only way to inspect your roof is from outside the home, there are actually a few things you can look for from inside. These might be more telling signs because in order for something to show inside your roof has to be damaged pretty badly. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association, it is recommended that you inspect your roof during the autumn and spring, or two times a year. So grab a flashlight, head into the closet, and look for the following.

  • Are there any areas in the roof that are sagging? Sagging areas of the attic roof may suggest that water is leaking through causing dry rot in the wood. This is a big red flag.
  • Obvious signs of leakage or water damage. If you see any areas of the roof that are wet, water damaged, or just plain leaking then you need to replace your roof. Checking during a rainfall is not a bad idea as it will be easier to see.
  • Dark trails or spots along the roof are another indication.
  • If you can see light shining through any area of the attic from the roofing and not a window you have a problem. If the hole is large enough animals might even start to call your attic home!

Outside the Home

Of course, you need to look outside of your home for signs that your roof needs replaced as well. If you can get onto your roof to physically look this it is even better.

  • Look for shingles that are missing, bald, torn, or cracked. If you see a lot it is likely your roof needs replaced.
  • Look for loose material on the roof or any wear along pipes, vents, chimneys, or anything else that might break up your roofing causing a weak spot.
  • Spotting a large number of shingle granules (which resemble sand) in the gutters is a clear sign that the roof is starting to wear.
  • Any mold, rot, or moisture in the roof can be a sign that the roof needs replaced. Remember that moisture or mold can form under the roofing as well.

If you are seeing issues like these do not hesitate to call a professional for roof repair.