Maintaining a good, sound roof is important for business owners because a neglected roof can cause a major headache. If your roof is showing signs that it needs some TLC, then you will need to find a commercial roofer in the Atlanta area.

Here are some helpful tips for quickly finding the best and the most qualified roofing professional in Atlanta:

Do your homework

Checking out your options before hiring a roofing contractor to service your company building is important. Inquire about a perspective roofer’s background, whether or not they are licensed and insured, how long they have been in business, etc.

Ask around

Many businesses obtain a majority of their work through word-of-mouth, which can be a great way for you to find a reliable roofing company. Ask other businesses in the area to recommend a good Atlanta roofer, which will make your search easier.

Ask for references

Asking for references is a good idea and if a commercial roofing company hesitates to provide you with references upon request, then you should steer clear. A reputable roofing company will not hesitate and will be proud to provide you with former customers who can vouch for the quality of their work.

Check with the BBB

Although not all businesses are members with the Better Business Bureau, it’s a good idea to check with this agency before hiring a company. Even if a company isn’t listed, there could still be complaints that have been filed with the BBB, which could be helpful when it comes to ruling out perspective commercial roofers.

Request portfolios

It might be a good idea to ask to see portfolios of work that perspective roofers have done in the past. A professional commercial roofer will be proud to show off his or her work and this can help you narrow down your possibilities further.

Choose a company that offers free consultations

Many roofing companies charge a fee to come out and assess your roof in order to provide you with an estimate. If you pay several companies to give you estimates, this could quickly add up. There are a few companies that will provide you with a free roof analysis and you should opt for these companies.

Choose a company that offers extended warranties

Opt for companies that offer a 20 or 25-year warranty, which can give you peace of mind since you can never predict when your roof might require repairing or replacement again.

Finding the perfect commercial roofer to service your company doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out, stressful process. As long as you follow these helpful tips, you should have the ability to easily find a great professional contractor to quickly and expertly repair and/or replace your company’s roof.