Sitting in a dark room can be quite depressing, even for the most energetic of personalities. Luckily, the human mind responds positively to sunlight. Seemingly naturally, one of the first things we do when we wake up in the morning is open the curtains in our bedroom and enjoy the sunlight shining in. Suddenly we feel more energized to forge ahead. We tend to think of our home and sunlight in terms of walls and windows. But there is another dimension that can help brighten our lives and bring light to dark places in our house where windows can’t be built. Skylights. The technology of skylights over the past 30 years has progressed along with computers and cell phones. You may not realize the capabilities of the new and modern skylights of today. For example, did you know they now make solar-powered, remote-controlled skylights, which even come with a choice of blinds that can also be controlled electronically? Dr. Roof is happy to provide a free evaluation of your home to see if it can bring fresh natural sunlight to the dark corners of your home.  For more information about new and innovative skylights, be sure to check out this amazing website and then give us a call!