Several years ago, large and widespread hail storms raked across metro Atlanta. Many people rushed to have their roofs replaced by less than reputable companies. Thousands of roofs were replaced due to hail and wind damage. Today Dr. Roof is fielding hundreds of calls a week from people with roofs that are less than 6 years old. The customer starts usually by saying “I had my roof replaced 4 or 5 years ago when we had those hail storms, and the roof is leaking now, but the roofer who installed it for me is out of business or says my warranty is expired.”

The lesson here is to choose carefully. Don’t feel pressured to replace your roof too fast, and don’t be lured by companies offering to pay your deductible. The ‘proof is in the pudding’, you may actually get what you pay for, a sub-par roof which will cost thousands to repair in 3-6 years. We are receiving service calls from thousands of people who rushed to pick the first available roofer or chose the companies offering deals too good to be true.

Dr. Roof has been here for 25 years and stands behind its warranties. If you want to rest easy knowing your new roof will last more than 5 years, call us for a free estimate. There may be a short wait, but it is well worth it!