Do you shudder at the thought of Santa Claus and his eight tiny reindeer landing on your roof, afraid he might crash through the attic instead of making his traditional chimney entrance? Do you think your roof’s just barely hanging on by a thread or have you had any signs of a leak?

A roof repair is one of those things you don’t want to let go until the last minute. Damage can build until what would have been a minor repair can turn into a major disaster with expensive consequences. We know holiday time is the last time you want to engage in a home repair project. It can dip into the holiday budget and we definitely understand that time is limited, but if you suspect a leak or any sort of roof damage, it would behoove you to address it quickly before a larger problem develops.

With Dr. Roof, you can be confident that we’ll respect your time and do what’s in your best interest financially. Our roofing specialists are not the “salesmen” you are accustomed to encountering in the service world. They pride themselves in evaluating your roof and educating you about all of your options, including repair and replacement, how long a repair can and cannot wait, and what you can expect in the long term based on your choices.

We want you to welcome Santa with open arms and a solid roof, and we’ll do everything in our power to make it timely and efficient for you so you are left with more to time and money to spend making your holidays merry and bright!

Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season!

~David Friedlander, President, Dr. Roof