Welcome to our first blog. I’ve created this forum to share inside tips and information about the roofing industry and to encourage savvy consumerism. I’d like to start by sharing with you how Dr. Roof came to be.

I started Dr. Roof on a dime and a dream in 1988, a few years after moving my family from South Africa to Atlanta. I worked alongside many industry professionals to learn the trade. After a short time I came to realize that the industry itself experienced a lot of “call-backs,” or customers who soon discovered problems with their roof’s installation and would summon Dr. Roof for repairs.

Therein was a dilemma for me that I noticed the big companies simply glazed over:
”Quality Workmanship.” I came to realize that the prevailing industry standard was to do whatever it would take to win a bid, and then work fervently to protect their bottom line. How? Substandard materials, shoddy workmanship, rushed jobs, and poor construction practices, with consumers none the wiser until the roof failed a few months or years down the line.

That is where I saw a real opportunity to offer a different kind of roofing service.

I began by educating my customers, teaching them what to look for in a reputable roofing company and how to avoid being sold a bill of goods by a charming salesperson. I created a comprehensive, hands-on training program for our installers and hired quality inspectors. Most importantly, Dr. Roof has backed every job that has been done since 1988.

Why—you may ask, when it would be very easy to drive the bottom line and not worry about what customers don’t know and won’t find out for many years? The answer is integrity. I want my four children to experience positive reactions when people find out their family is behind the “Dr. Roof” name. I wanted them to understand that honesty and integrity are essential virtues and that the right way to run a business is not always the easy way to run a business.

Throughout our time here, I hope to share with you the tools that will help you become a confident buyer when it comes to repairing or replacing your roof. We’ll discuss hydrostatics (the movement of water, the principles of capillary action, osmosis, surface tension as it pertains to your roof’s construction), how to get what you really need out of a “salesman,” solar energy, Georgia and Tennessee-area building standards, and how to qualify a roofing company. Of course, this forum is for you, so I’d like to start by inviting your questions. What would you like to learn about roof repair or replacement?

My personal regards,
David Friedlander, President
Dr. Roof

Dr. Roof’s Southeast headquarters has been located at 1460 Woodstock Road, Roswell, Georgia 30075 for over 20 years.

We’re proud to be vital members of the community who can be relied upon for your home’s roofing and repair needs now and many years down the line. In Georgia, call (770) 552-7663, and in Tennessee, (615) 656-5648.