Tidy up your tot's toys with these genius space-saving solutions.
If you’ve been binge-watching Tidying Up With Marie Kondo and feel a burning need to declutter and organize your home from top to bottom, I have a suggestion: Start with your kid’s toys. As a mom to a 3-year-old, I can attest: Being a parent means owning piles and piles and piles of toys. The only way to prevent yourself from cleaning them constantly—or just living amongst the junk—is to create a smart storage system. Thankfully, there are plenty of mom bloggers out there who’ve come up with genius ways to store their kids' toys and keep clutter to a minimum. Here are some of our favorite toy storage hacks on the Internet:
Use underbed shoe storage to hold dolls and their (many!) accessories.
Just tuck all of the doll's designer duds and accessories into shoe boxes and other containers, put them in an underbed shoe bin, and push it out of sight. Via Serenity Now
Use every square inch of space with these corner rope shelves.

Gives new meaning to "tucked in the corner." - honeybearlane.com
Yes, these shelves require a bit of elbow grease to build, but the payoff is pretty impressive: a nice-looking way to store toys even in the unused corners of the room. Via Honeybear Lane
Stack board games with a closet organizer.

Spend more time playing Monopoly instead of trying to find it. - joyfulhomemaking.com
If your board games are shoved in five different places, try storing them vertically in one spot using a a closet organizer. Via Joyful Homemaking
Organize your play kitchen with wire hanging baskets.

A stylish way to keep it looking neat. - hellobabybrown.com
If your kid's play kitchen is better stocked than your local grocery store, then it's time to invest in storage. Wire baskets look exactly like something you'd find at the supermarket, and, hey, you can repurpose them in the kitchen when the kids are older. Via Hello, Baby Brown

Stuff a bean bag with plush animals instead. A little lumpy, but it works! - cometogetherkids.com
You can purchase one online, or just rip up an old bean bag, fill it with stuffed animals and safety pin it back together. Either way, you've got storage that doubles as a comfy place for your kids to crash. Via Come Together Kids
Store Barbies in an over-the-door shoe organizer.

This way you know at a glance how many Barbies you already have—and which ones can be sent to the big Barbie DreamHouse in the sky. - agirlandagluegun.com
Over-the-door shoe organizers are the perfect place for Barbie to hang out with her friends. Via A Girl & A Glue Gun
Create a DIY train table and storage system using IKEA finds.

You can whip this up in just a few minutes using an electric drill and six screws. - thecrazycraftlady.com
Even if you're allergic to DIY projects, this train table and storage system is super simple to create using just a few pieces from IKEA. Via The Crazy Craft Lady
Combine Command Hooks and baskets for the most budget-friendly storage solution ever.

These bright baskets were purchased at the Dollar Store. - lambertslately.com
Here's an idea that will only cost you a few bucks: Hang bargain-store baskets on Command Hooks, and you've got vertical storage you can easily take down any time. Via Lamberts Lately
Turn crates into a bright bookshelf.

An inexpensive way to get a custom look. - crazylittleprojects.com
Just spray paint unfinished wooden crates whatever you like, screw them together and voila, you've got a show-stopping way to store toys and books. Via Crazy Little Projects
Use a hobby box to store tiny LEGO pieces.

Bonus: You won't step on them anymore. - childhood101.com
You could just shove all the tiny LEGO pieces in one box and hope your kid will hunt for them one by one (yeah, right), or you can use a hobby box to keep tiny pieces compartmentalized for easy building. Via Childhood 101
Hide toys with a cute curtain.

Now you see them, now you don't. - plumberrypie.blogspot.com
If you need to store toys in the living room, but plastic bins don't really mesh with your decor, try this clever trick for hiding bookshelves with a pretty curtain. Via Plumberry Pie
Use a cube storage system to take advantage of bottom-of-the-closet space.

There's nothing to hide in this closet. - twotwentyone.net
Cube storage systems are an organizer's dream: They're modular and match pretty much any decor, so you can move them from room to room as needed. Here, they are a perfect way to stylishly fill out the bottom of your kid's closet. Ikea, Walmart and Target all carry versions. Via Two Twenty One
Turn toy cars into wall art.

Get them off the floor and onto a rainbow-themed display. - aloandbeholdlife.com
You can DIY a display or just purchase it outright. Or, you can use a variety of other ways to let your kid show off her cars: on a bookshelf ledge, or using magnetic strips. Via A Lo and Behold Life
Turn IKEA spice racks into a book display.

Who needs a pricey bookshelf? - thesweetestdigs.com
With a little spray paint in the color of your choice, these $5 spice racks from IKEA are a perfect way to store books. Via The Sweetest Digs
Hang Nerf guns and lightsabers on a peg board.

Let the games begin. - inspirationmadesimple.com
Hang all the faux weapons on a peg board, so your little one can quickly get ready for battle. Via Inspiration Made Simple
Written by Audrey Goodson Kingo for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.
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